Friday, August 6, 2010

Caldwell Family Reunion - Night #2

Technically this shot should be in the Day #1 post but I'm lazy and I love this one and had to share it! Our hotel was new and very nice. The Jarman family was also staying there and all the kids were in love with the decor. I kept meaning to get a photo of them in the lobby and never did. =( I will just describe it as aqua and orange, with a very modern and contemporary look. Our room had an awesome shower but no tub. We improvised and Landon had his baths in the sink. He barely fit but he loved it! He loved being able to see himself in the mirror and turn the water off and on.

The rafting trip took much longer than expected. We had another fabulous but late dinner at the Olsen's house with smores for dessert.

Left to right: Max, Kole, Wyatt, Diane, Jaxson, Dan, Brianna

Lexie invited Whitney and Joie to spend the night with her at her Grandma Brenda's house. I think they were all pretty pooped at this point! Uncle Dan had to use his cow bell to get them out of bed the next morning for our service project.


The Patty Cake House

Looks like you had some fun times. I've always wanted to go rafting.... we should try it together. I know some great babysitters!! :)