Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Caldwell Family Reunion - Day # 2

The next thing on the family reunion agenda was spending the morning at Grandma's house and helping her with some yard work and chores. Grandma was blessed with a green thumb. She has always kept a beautiful yard and vegetable garden. It has just been the past few years that she has had to slow down and stop doing a lot of the yard work. This has been hard for her to do.
This is the house that Grandpa's parents lived in for many years. Eventually he built his house in front of this one.

Chris, Grandma and James

Grandma with most of her great grandchildren. We are missing Tony, Kiti, Monique and Katrina. We sure wish they had been able to come.

The ladies spent a lot of time weeding the flower beds.

Gavin and Jeran spent hours stacking all the split wood in the wood shed. They were finding all kinds of old tools and treasures in the shed. :) I told them to look tough in this shot. Gavin couldn't help smiling though cause he was having such a grand time!

Joie and Lexie fanning James and Uncle Dan with some tree branches.

Most of the guys spent a lot of time splitting wood for Grandma's wood stove. Grandpa worked as a logger for years. He stored up some huge wood piles. Chris said he thinks there is just about the right amount to last Grandma for the rest of her life.

Grandma with most of her grandchildren and their spouses. We are missing Angela, Ted, Spencer and Danielle.

Aunt Brenda, Jaxson, me and Landon

I felt bad but I did not do a lick of work that day. Chasing Landon and keeping him out of trouble occupied all of my time.