Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Back to School 2010

August 9, 2010 was Whitney and Gavin's first day back to school. Whitney is in Mrs. Simek's 6th grade and Gavin is in Mrs. Mitchell's 3rd grade. Chris gave them some great father's blessings that morning before they headed off.

Typically I do not buy the kids a back to school wardrobe mainly because it is still roasting hot. That way I can get better deals on fall/winter clothes as the season goes on. I let them pick out a new shirt. Whitney chose to wear an older shirt.

Gavin picked out this baseball shirt at Old Navy. Chris really wanted him to get a shirt that said smooth like butter with a graphic of a stick of butter. Gavin was not going for it. He said, "that doesn't make any sense".

Both kids did not want anything but Converse sneakers for school. Gavin really wanted his to have a pattern as opposed to just a solid color. This took some searching but we finally found the perfect pair. When I said we were going shopping for new school shoes Whitney said she did not need new shoes. What girl turns down new shoes??? She also said she would rather wear old Converse shoes as opposed to a new shoe of a different brand. Now that is brand loyalty!
I washed her two old pairs and she was as happy as could be. She was more interested in buying school supplies. She was disappointed that her supply list this year was kind of short. She is in search of the perfect pencil box. I have bought this girl many pencil boxes over the years.