Thursday, February 18, 2010

Landon at 9 Months

Guess who is 9 months old now?!? He had been army crawling, rolling around and crawling backwards but finally mastered crawling going forward. He also started working on pulling himself up and had success for the first time tonight. He is into everything and nothing is safe! Ashlyn had a bag of popcorn on the coffee table and he managed to snag it only to end up falling down and spraying popcorn everywhere! She was not pleased. The kids cannot seem to adjust to the fact that is now mobile. I worry about his safety constantly. His new favorite past time is scavenging for tasty tidbits around the table. Ashlyn calls his drool, slime. She says things all the time like, "Mom! Landon slimed my doll!" He added Dada to his vocabulary. It looks like we have another toothless wonder on our hands as he has yet to cut his first tooth. He will look like he is 2 but not have any teeth!
He is huge!!!! A woman said to me the other day, "Poor thing you had to birth this head!"
At the park with Dad.

Big Boy

Of course this happened while I was out! Chris took a picture for me cause he knew I would not be able to believe it otherwise. His ear infection had him feeling under the weather though so I am not expecting it to happen again anytime soon.



He is just so adorable. I can't wait to see him in person. Of course, by then he will probably be afraid of strangers. And Grandma will be a stranger. But I love watching him grow up with your blog pics. Heather, you do such a great job.

This Idaho Girl

Didn't you just have him? Can't believe how big he is!

The Cook Clan

He is so dang cute!! And you look GREAT!!! I love the picture of you and Landon =)


I love the picture of you and him together. You look so pretty Heather!


He's so adorable. Ps....great picture of you holding Landon. Great hair, great color on you...You look great!