Thursday, January 14, 2010

Eleven Excellent Years

My baby girl is 11 now! She has grown and developed so quickly that I feel cheated at times. I wish I could live in denial like Chris and believe that she will never leave home. I was just looking at last year's birthday blog and could not get over how much older she looks. She has been chastising me for being so behind on my blogging (her birthday was on the 8th). I told her, "I know! I am a big fat failure"! To which she replied "No, you are a tall skinny failure!" Way to soften the blow Whitney! Just a few days before her birthday I was moved to tears as she was playing the piano and I marveled at the wonder that is Whitney. At her parent teacher conference this past fall her teacher thanked me for sending her such a wonderful girl to teach she then went on to extol her many virtues. I got a little teary eyed at the time but all I could say was she came this way. Sometimes I feel like people give me way more credit than I could ever claim. One of the things that amazes me the most about her is that she has the rare quality of knowing her true worth without being at all conceited. Wouldn't the world be so much better if we could all feel that way? I don't deserve her but I am so grateful that I have the honor of being her Mother. She has been an absolute joy to raise.
As the birthday girl decreed we woke up at 6 a.m. so we could start the day off with her chosen breakfast of cake and bacon. She was so pleased with her cake! She wanted her cake to come from the same bakery Chris got mine from so she could have raspberry mousse filling. Next she opened her gifts. Once she and Gavin got home from school we loaded up to go see the new Chipmunks movie. It was a hit with all the kids from ages 2 to 11! Then we had dinner at Olive Garden where they really went above and beyond to treat her extra special.

Chris got Whitney this mountain bike.

Wit and her male mini-me.

The birthday girl enjoyed some pampering. I painted her nails turquoise the night before and her Aunt Hollee styled her hair. I was thrilled to find that her hair now holds curl!!! I'm guessing it has something to do with those surging hormones. =)

Another little birthday surprise was that she received an award at school on her special day. We knew she was getting it but she did not. She got it for "settling into a new school so quickly and well".


My Three Boys

She has changed so much. She is such a beautiful girl in so many ways. We should all get a Whitney attitude adjustment.

Brett and Diane

Happy Birthday Whitney! Sounds like a perfect birthday. Curley hair looks really good on her.

The Phipps

Happy late birthday!!! Hope you had a great day!!!


I somehow missed this post! I was waiting for a birthday update since her birthday had come and gone :) She is so grown up! What an amazing young woman she is becoming! Speaking of young woman can you believe our little girls go there next year?!? I am NOT ready for Victoria to be that grown up!

The Patty Cake House

Happy Birthday Whitney!!!!

The Grandy's

When I moved to Alabama my hair wouldn't curl to save me life. Then I moved back and looked like Shirley Temple. I think it has to do with the fact that there's usually -10% humidity in the air.

6 birthdays in one month. That's crazy talk. She's almost in Young Womens!