Friday, January 29, 2010

A Moment of Euphoria

There is no denying that child bearing is hard on the body. Since I had my first c-section with Gavin I have been unable to do even one sit up. I had never really dedicated myself to strengthening my abdominal muscles but somehow doubted that I even could. Time, energy, guilt and childcare have all been big road blocks for me when it comes to physical fitness.

After having my tubal ligation, I felt kind of liberated by the knowledge that I would not be bearing anymore children. I was also really struck by the fact that I needed to start taking better care of my body. You could say Landon was the baby that finally broke the Mama's back. During my pregnancy with him and after having him I pretty much had constant lower back pain. I couldn't stand for very long or sit for very long. Sitting in straight backed chairs was out of the question. Sometimes my back was so stiff from muscle spasms that I couldn't move well. I was pretty sure this was due to the fact that my abdominal muscles were so weak but I went to the doctor just to be sure. Xrays were taken and it was confirmed that I was having muscle spasms. Chris has been great about helping/motivating/nagging me into doing abdominal exercises. My attitude was often very poor. Once in awhile it does pay off to be married to a fitness fanatic. Just don't tell him I said so.
This morning as he was leaving for work he reminded me that I needed to do my exercises. I was strongly tempted to skip it altogether but I didn't. I decided to see if I could do a sit up and to my utter amazement and euphoria I did one!!!!!! I literally could not believe it. I even looked around as if to see if anyone else had witnessed this miracle and could confirm what had just happened for me. Then I started yelling for Chris. I just caught him in the garage to share my joyous news. Then I made him come in and see if I could do another. I did 12 more!!!!!! It was such a great feeling!!! And some much needed motivation to keep up my hard work. It might not seem like much but it was huge for me. Thank you Chris! I would never have done it without you.



Congrats. That is so awesome. I know the feeling. I've done the same thing with pushups. It just shows how strong you really are when you set your mind to something. Oh, dear, do I sound like Chris? Maybe he should be a personal trainer when he gets out of the army. I'd be his first client. I wish he could come up and help me sometimes.

Kevin n Amy Cederquist

Inst the human body incredible? I know it feel so great to have a goal and reach it. I'm excited for you.


That's awesome Heather....It gives me hope that after this baby comes I will be able to get into shape again. Keep us posted on your progress and don't forget to treat yourself to prizes along the way!!!!


hahahaha! awesome. congratulations! keep it up. it will get easier and easier all the time. :) and you are lucky that you have Chris around as a constant reminder. I think so much of getting in shape is finding the motivation within and without to do so! :)


Thank you for the inspiration. I need to do better myself. I can't wait to hear where this goes for you - keep us posted.


I am learning that pregnancy does do a lot to our bodies, just thinking of doing a sit up after the baby comes scares me. I am happy for you!!!


Way to go! C-sections are tough to recover from. I admire your persistance. I'd probably have stopped when he walked out the door. :-)