Friday, January 29, 2010

Lost Then Found!

I didn't think I would ever see my high school class ring again but I was wrong. I guess it was a good thing I chose a design with my name on it! After I graduated I loaned this beauty to my sister Wendy. She wore it until she graduated in 1997. It was then passed on to my youngest sister Hollee who graduated in 2002. She was so upset when she lost it! She had taken it off at the St. George Kmart to wash her hands and then left it. By the time she realized her mistake it was already gone. I have to say those St. George Kmart employees are some honest folks! In their efforts to return it to the rightful owner they called my alma mater, Virgin Valley High School (always good for a laugh), to ask how many Heathers graduated in 1994? Answer: just me! When she went to Kmart to pick it up no one could find it or knew anything about it. Apparently, it kicked around Kmart for years until some industrious and honest employee once again tried to return it to its rightful owner. It is made of real gold so is not completely without worth. This person knew Chris's best friend Jeremy's Mom Rita (did you follow that one?) and asked her if she knew who this ring might belong to? Rita had it for a year or so and kept telling Jeremy he needed to tell Chris that she had my class ring. One of the things I love best about this whole story is that Chris thinks this stroke of luck can all be attributed to my having the wonderful fortune of being married to him! Not sure I am quite following his logic on this one. As Rita would have known it was mine even if I hadn't had the fabulous fortune of being Chris Weaver's wife! I liked Hollee's response much better. She said, "Heather you must have good karma". Seriously though, it reaffirms my belief that this world is still full of honest and good people.


The Cook Clan

That is so awesome!! I think it is amazing that people actually took the time to find out who's ring it was and of course having your name on it was a plus...otherwise it probably would have ended up in a pawn shop or something!! Congrats on getting your ring back!! =)


I had fun catching up on your blog! I need to check more often. I love the ring story. Awesome people who returned it...great karma.

Benjamin and Jennie

that is some story!! :)


That is a great story! So glad you got it back! I once lost some brand new contacts in the Walmart parking lot and a nice lady went through a lot of trouble to get them to me. Also, it's so great that you & your sisters used it!


Wow! That is the best post I have read in a long time. Definitely blog worthy. That is a lucky ring that will have to be passed on as an heirloom.