Monday, January 25, 2010


January 11, 1984 was a very good day for me. That was the day my baby sister Hollee was born. My other siblings and I were staying with my Aunt Coleen & Uncle Jay while my Mom was at the hospital. I still remember the phone call from my Dad calling to say we had a sister. My cousin Jenny (the oldest of 4 brothers) was green with envy. She said, "You guys are so lucky to get another sister!" Despite the fact that she had her own room full of treasures, I secretly had to agree with her. I was a fan of Holly Hobby back then. Holly Hobby's best friend was named Heather. I took this as an omen that we were sure to be great friends. The day my Dad was going to bring them home from the hospital, I refused to go to school. I made the excuse that there was no one to fix my hair and hence I could not go. I do have a small stubborn streak in me. It rarely comes out but when it does I am immovable. My Dad tried his best to talk me into going to school. I was going with him he just didn't realize it quite yet. I was determined to go in part because I missed my Mom and also because I could not wait to meet Hollee. My Mom had told me on the phone that she looked just like me when I was born and weighed exactly the same amount, 7 pounds 11 ounces, which as everyone knows, is very lucky! I took this as further proof that we were meant to share a special bond. It was love at first sight!
Hollee is even more beautiful on the inside than she is on the outside. She has more integrity and decency in her than your average 10 people combined. She is hardworking and extremely creative. To know her is to love her. She is an amazing Mother! One of the most patient and fun Mom's I have ever known. I am so thankful that I got to celebrate her birthday with her this year. And also to have her and the her cute girlies stay with us for 23 whole days. Even though I now have to pay the price of missing her terribly.

I remember asking my Mom to take this picture of us after church one Sunday. I thought she was the cutest thing ever with her little shoes, bow and pink rose bud dress.

What would a birthday be without the required embarrassing-restaurant-Happy-Birthday- moment? Texas Roadhouse brings out a saddle for birthday boys and girls! Good thing she had her boots on otherwise she might have looked silly.



Heather, I can't believe you have a stubborn streak. Maybe that's where Ashlyn gets hers. LOL I'm so glad you got to spend that time with your siblings. I think the move to Arizona is just the beginning of good things and good times.


Stubborn streak? Really? I'm shocked. Well, maybe not! Love this post. Very sweet. Good thing she was wearing her boots! lololol!!