Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Total Failure

I have been up since 3:30 am unable to sleep for the second night in a row. What is up with that?!? This kills me as I soon will be getting no sleep at all!

It has come to my attention that I am a failure as a pregnant lady. Apparently, my belly is not nearly big enough for most people out there. Whenever I am out I get the inevitable question of when I am due. I have come to dread this question. I'm thinking about fabricating a new due date just so I can fulfill others expectations. =) To which I reply, the 18th. Every time I get pretty much this exact response, "OF THIS MONTH?!?" Followed by, "you're not very big!" This is said in a very accusatory tone of voice making me feel like I must defend my too small belly. This is where I point out the obvious fact that I am very tall. (Finally, being the Jolly Green Giant is paying off for me!) One would think I would have BIG babies but they have all been average 7 1/2 pounders, though long. People are still skeptical though. They think my dates are wrong or encourage me to question the doctor on if "the baby is growing properly". In this day and age of ultrasounds do they really think the doctor could make that big of an oversight? And don't they think that might be upsetting to a lot of pregnant women to hear? Yes, I am starting to get just a little annoyed by these observations. I have heard it with each of my pregnancies so you would think I would be used to it by now but still find myself becoming annoyed. I do feel huge and uncomfortable, if that would make anyone feel better. Though, I will admit it would be harder to hear "you're huge comments" so it could be worse. Always looking for that silver lining! And does anyone ever even hear you're belly is just the right size? I'm guessing probably not.

Also on this note, I really do love all those pregnancy experts out there. My all time favorites are the ones who think they can divine the sex of your baby just by looking at you! They come up to you, and make bold, overly confident statements such as "you're having a girl". Even though they have a 50/50 shot on this one, somehow they are almost always wrong. When I tell them, no its a boy, they do not give up. They make smug comments like "I wouldn't count on that, if I were you!" Then, I get to pull out my trump card by saying, "I've had an amniocentesis and the chromosomal testing shows a boy." These people stand firm in their convictions. Though, I suspect they don't really understand what an amniocentesis is. Despite the fact that they are "experts". No worries though, soon I will be enjoying comments from all those baby "experts" out there. =D)


Katie Webb

Oh I hear ya sister! I absolutely hate all the "advice" you get from other moms. Everyone thinks that every pregnancy is just like theirs were and every kid is just like theirs. Oh it drives me crazy! I had a lady tell me the other day that I needed to stop giving Morgan water because she wasn't really thirsty, she just liked the cup. When people ask you when you're due, you should just say, "due for what? Oh, you thought I was pregnant? No, just can't control my apetite these days!"


All I would ever hear is "WOW you look like you're ready to pop!" from 6 1/2 months out. When I look at pics of my last month I can't figure out how I even fit through doorways. So for the record... you look just the right size pregnant! Good luck with getting some sleep and we can't wait to meet your new munchkin when he arrives!


Being on the other end of the pregnancy size spectrum I can tell you it sucks having people comment on the size of the baby. You are in the final stretch!! How exciting!! Is the 18th your c-section date? Chris and I are already going back and forth on names, hopefully you guys have been able to find the perfect name for your little guy!

This Idaho Girl

People say the stupidest things to you when you're pregnant. A few I heard uttered to my 8 month along sister: "You're about ready to pop!" "Wow, you're really pregnant!" I think people should just keep their mouths shut about how big/small you are. I'm just jealous you are able to carry a baby so well. I was 47-1/2 inches around with twins.


My official due date is the 21st my c-section is scheduled for the 18th. We are still undecided as to a name! My last hope is that we will meet him and be inspired as to what to name him. =)