Monday, December 8, 2008


This morning Whitney was in her school's spelling bee. Each classroom had a spelling bee and Whitney won her classroom's bee. There were 14 kids from grades 3rd-6th competing. She did really well and came in third place! She went out on falsetto by leaving out a "t". =( Chris said she got gypped because he felt like the last couple of words before that were way easier (solvent and newton). I had my work cut out calming him down. You could tell most of the kids were way nervous and I felt so nervous for them. It takes courage to stand up in front of your whole school and spell words! One thing I do know is that she will never forget how to spell falsetto! So many people have told me their spelling bee stories of how they still remember the word they misspelled. =D



Way to go Whitney! You know, I might sound dumb, but I haven't even heard the word "falsetto." I think she also got the harder word out of the 3. Good Job Whitney.

The Patty Cake House

Way To Go Whitney - What an accomplishment to make it in the top 3!!!!!

Kattelman Krew

we should have had her on our team when we played cranium!!! I still can't spell crap, Whitney is awesome and way smart!!!

miss you guys....


Go Whitney!

~The Dippold's

That is so exciting!! Congrats! :)


CONGRATS, Whitney! That is so awesome. I am sooo very proud of you. You are growing up into such a beautiful young lady both inside and out.

Brett and Diane

3rd place WOW way to go Whitney! That’s really awesome. I wish I was a speller.

On a side note for some reason I was thinking about you guys this morning and thinking that you need to post of picture of you. I love seeing the kids but we need to see baby Weaver sometime.=) I bet you’re looking adorable!


yea whitney! seriously, i had anxiety attacks when i was in my school spelling bee. atta girl!


WTG Whitney! 3rd place is awesome!! Thats a really cute picture of her up there too.

The Phipps

Great job Whitney !!!


Go Whitney! I can't stand watching spelling bees! Jeran and Megan have both done them. Megan got out on purpose her first word because she was too nervous. Jeran usually places, but has to do battle with the Anderson twins every year. :-)