Monday, October 20, 2008


Here it is, I hate when kids are learning to read and they have to sound out almost all the words so painfully s-l-o-o-o-w. I have absolutely no patience for it. It is like nails on a chalkboard to me. I have to sit there and tell myself just make it through this page. Even as a kid, I remember when the whole class would take turns reading aloud the same story. Arghh! It was torture for me. I couldn't take it then. I would read ahead just to escape the pain of it. I became expert at being able to read ahead and keep an eye on where "the class" was at. I shouldn't even complain because this period was blessedly short and sweet for Whitney. And Gavin is improving steadily too. It really is amazing how in a short period of time they go from non-readers to readers. Do I at least a few get points for ending on a somewhat positive note?


The Patty Cake House

+ 5 Points!! :O)

Kaysha Alesa

I hate it too. In fact, when I have time (which is almost never) to volunteer in Nora's class,I avoid reading time. I go when it is centers and art. Much funner.

Kattelman Krew

yes, points and more points!

Boy, if you considered yourself impatient, I can only imagine what will happen when my kids go through that! your like the most patient person I know.
Scary -future- thought for me :)

Katie Webb

I'm glad to know other moms have stages that they don't like. I can't imagine what kind of torture thats going to be :) I'll probably have little patience for it as well.


Oh my gosh isn't it the worst!!! I am so thankful we are past that phase fot the most part with Jacob, because it was painful. Aidan is pretty good about it too, if there is a word he has to sound out he usually does it in his head or really softly...he's such a good boy! LOL Yay for Gavin learning to read and major points to mom for hangin in there during one of the worst childhood phases.

The Fisher's

I have to be the oddball here. I love that phase! It's such a neat and wonderful experience to hear them figuring things out for themselves, the sounds, the letter, the blending. I guess this outlook comes from being a school teacher and seeing children learn first hand. There was and is no greater pleasure than a child reading all by themselves, especially one who may have been struggling (which I've experienced personally :)) I hope I'm as patient when my own kids are there :D