Friday, August 21, 2009

Cool Copter Flyin' Chris

Last Friday we went out to the range to see Chris demonstrate the mighty firepower of the OH-58 D Kiowa Warrior, at his request. I think he was hoping that I would be completely bowled over and impressed by this display. Luckily, he has Gavin to fill that need! This was probably the last opportunity he will have to shoot the guns as the helicopter he will be flying in Arizona is not armed. He is a little bummed about that. Guys and guns, something I will never understand! We had went out once before at night time to see him shoot and I had forgotten how loud those guns are. Though I don't know how I did. I think I would pee myself if I heard that noise out of nowhere! Admittedly they are not the coolest airframe but the mission is the most interesting in Chris's humble opinion. They are kind of like the modern day cavalry and sneak around to scout things out. Nothing gets past a Scout pilot! At least, that is Chris likes to say when he totally misses the completely obvious.

Not my best work, but it is tad bit hard to take photos of a flying helicopter. That is him in there though! By the time I was sure it was him it would be almost too late.

Ashlyn was a little scared because those guns are LOUD! No wonder Chris has a hearing loss.
On the drive home she said, "My Daddy was killing the dirt!"

The difference between boys and girls, exhibit A. Whitney, is like whats the big deal ? She's more interested in the Gardetto's snack mix. Gavin and Colton, giddy with the excitement and wonder and Kaden completely mesmerized. It looks like it was Blue Polo Friday at Ft. Rucker Elementary. =)

In this shot, you can see they were coming in pretty low with that building to give a little perspective.



Wow, I'm impressed. I'm glad to finally see a picture of Chris flying the helicopter. But then I am his mother, so maybe that explains it. I wish I could have been there.
Although maybe my fascination with guns is cuz I was the youngest of three girls and the closest Daddy got to a boy. He taught me how to shoot.

The Cook Clan

Great pictures!! I miss seeing all the helicopters flying around. There are a few here once in awhile but not like it was at Rucker=)


Your pictures were great! I laughed and laughed at "exhibit A". Very funny!!


hahaha! i am laughing. "My daddy is killing the dirt." how funny is that?

and Chris, I think that is SOOOOOO cool! i wish i could have come to see that! ugh!