Thursday, June 18, 2009

One Month Old

Landon is one month old today! His eyes are still blue but his hair his looking lighter. Lucky boy got his Mom's white skin! He looks a lot like Gavin did at this age. That onsie he has on is newborn size and I think he is ready to move on up to his 3 month size clothes. He is long and starting to get a little chubby! He loves to be swaddled, which none of my other kids did. He is also still loving his binky. He is holding his head up really well too. He seems to be settling into a three hour feeding routine. He is one gassy little guy though! We spend a lot of time lounging around in our recliner with Ashlyn sitting on one arm.
Today was also Chris's first day back to work since Landon was born. I thought he would be dying to get back to work after all the Mr. Mom/cleaning duty but he was actually pretty sad to be going back. It was so great to have him helping out for the first month. I was able to enjoy Landon way more than I would have otherwise.


The Cook Clan

I love his perfect little face and cute cheeks...he is sooo adorable!! Sounds like he is settling in perfectly :) And how nice to have Chris home to help the first month!!

The Patty Cake House

He's a pretty cute little guy!!!

The Fisher's

I can't believe it has been a month - it seems like just a couple weeks ago - he is such a cute baby! And I'm so glad Chris was able to be home that much - I'm sure that was a huge help!!

Sorry your sister had to leave so soon-I am not liking that part of the military either, but we have made some awesome friends ;)


he is so adorable!!


What a cutie!! He looks a little like our little man did.. He's beautiful! Good job Weavers!!


One month old??? That can't be right. He's so adorable!


He is absolutely adorable and perfect in every way. isn't it amazing how they change so fast? One of the first pictures I could see Chris in him. And now he is every bit as handsome as his older brother. I can't wait for more pictures and to see him in person.

Brett and Diane

Landon is such a looker. I loved his birth announcement. I've enjoyed looking at such a cute baby every time I pass by our fridge. I can't believe he's 1 month old. That's awesome that Chris got to stay home for a whole month to help.


He is a cutie!!! He is doing so well! Keep enjoying him because as you know they grow so fast. I'm glad you got to hold him a lot during his first month! Tell everyone hi for us!