Thursday, April 22, 2010

Four Eyes

Genetics have failed us once again. I had high hopes that all the children would get Chris's 20/20 vision. Since Chris and I both have straight teeth we thought we would at least save our wallet and our children's egos from braces. Dentists have been telling us Whitney will need orthodontia since her permanent teeth started coming in. Ashlyn had her first dental xrays and her permanent teeth are just as rotated as her baby ones. Genetics have been on my mind a lot lately. As I also recently discovered I have high cholesterol (Thanks Dad!). This development has more to do with genes than my diet. Gavin had his annual eye exam this month and we found out that he has a slight astigmatism and is colorblind. Colorblindness is passed through the Mother so he has me to thank for that. His problem is mainly with greens.
Gavin was not a happy camper. He was trying his best to fool the eye doctor into thinking his vision was fine. He basically just needs them if the teacher is writing on the blackboard. He keeps insisting that he does not need them. And that he sees no better with them.

I could not get over how much he looked like a little man headed off for another day at the office in the above photo. He could totally be a poster child for the young professional.


The Phipps

Glasses make Gavin look even smarter than he already is! They look great!

The Cook Clan

He does look like a little business man =) Evan is colorblind too, just like my dad...he has problems with green and browns...gotta love those genetics =)


So true....he looks like he's off for another work day!