Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Pumpkin Time

This was our second attempt to visit Aplin Farms Pumpkin Patch. I had been waiting for sweater weather before we made our annual trip to the pumpkin patch. We finally had our first taste of fall this past weekend. On Saturday morning we all loaded up and drove the 25 minutes only to discover Landon had a pooplosion along the way. I didn't have a warm change of clothes for him so we had to turn around and leave. Gavin in particular was very disappointed. Which started us reminiscing on some of their more spectacular pooplosions. Good times, right?
Monday afternoon we set off again but this time I was smart and brought a change of clothes. Which was a good thing because he had another pooplosion! This year we did the corn maze which was a big hit. Gavin was determined to be the first one to find his way out. He is forever telling us how men have a better sense of direction. Something he saw on the Discovery channel and has clung to ever since. He accomplished his mission and used this as proof to back up his claim. Now we will never here the end of it!



I LOVE FALL FAMILY PICTURES!! You have a beautiful family!!


"pooplosion", huh... I'm going to have to add that one to my vocabulary!

The Healthy Nutcase

that is so funny about Gavin and a man's sense of direction. I think a man directed that program huh?!!. :) Ah, and the pumpkin patch looked so fun. How much longer do you guys have there?!

The Healthy Nutcase

and ah ha! We have the same awesome taste in blog backgrounds! I thought is was adorable. :)

The Cook Clan

Wonderful pictures!! I miss Aplin Farm =) And I love the word pooplosion...too funny!! Sarah was the same way and it was always when we were out and about. =)

This Idaho Girl

Someday Landon will brag about his ability to poop so well.