Wednesday, July 22, 2009

A Thoughtful Thief

Ashlyn came downstairs a little while ago, handed me my wallet and said, "thank you Mama". Not a good thing! I quickly checked to make sure my cards and ID were still in there proper places. All was well in that area. She had cleared out every last cent I had in cash though! I asked her where my money was and she replied, "In my piggy bank. Thank you Mama!" What kind of child am I raising? Possibly a thief but such a polite one. Afterall she did return my wallet and say thank you.


The Patty Cake House

She is so funny!!!! :O)


Ya gotta love it! When Megan was that same age she was obsessed with the ice cream truck. She'd been shopping with me and remembered I had money in my purse. She ran inside when she heard the truck, grabbed my wallet and ran out the door...paid with a $20.00 bill. The worst part was that the driver knew she didn't know and didn't give change! By the time I saw her he was gone...


That is so cute. Probably wouldn't be as cute if it was my money. No, on second thought, she's my granddaughter. of course it would be. It's amazing what grandkids can get away with.

Kattelman Krew

O' such a polite one too! I can just imagine her doing that...I love how you share stories, I feel like I'm just there...I love your family so much!!!

Maybe I should do that to Mark, clean out his wallet and then say: thank you ;)


hahahahaha! Oh my gosh! What in the world!? That is so funny!!!

~The Dippold's

What a cutie!! The other Sunday in the hall I saw Ashlyn. I started to talk to her and tell her hello and then I realized she was in trouble so I told Chris sorry. I felt bad that I was interupting but she is just too cute it would be hard to discipline her with that cute face and the look she had in her eyes. :)

The Cook Clan

Soooooo cute!!! =) =)