Thursday, January 1, 2009

Birthday Bash/New Years Celebration

Chris was pretty proud of this ice cream cake he made himself. Earlier in the week when I asked him what kind of cake/desert he wanted for his birthday he informed me he was making himself an ice cream cake. Think he's trying to let me know he doesn't like my cooking?

He wanted to have a Lousiana style shrimp boil for his birthday dinner which he once again cooked himself in his fabulous, new turkey fryer that he recieved from the Tarbets. By the time I took this picture the food was already considerably less than when we started. You never need worry you will go hungry at the Weaver house. It was yummy and so easy!

Here I succeeded in taking a picture of everyone shoving food in their mouth or at least making a funny face. =)

Doesn't this gift bag just scream Chris? The Patterson boys picked it out especially for Chris. Inside was the cutest gift! Fancy roasting sticks with all the ingredients for smores. The perfect accessory for Chris's new fire pit he got for Christmas.

Here's Chris brushing up on his baby care skills with cute, little Calvin. Ashlyn came over and told Chris she does not want a baby brother once she saw this cozy scene. We have been trying to talk up & excite her for the impending new arrival.

I had gotten out a bunch of the kids games for the kiddies and Gavin and Kaden played games all night long. Here they are deep in a tense game of Battleship. They even managed to stay up till midnight to welcome in the new year.

Jenny insisted on sitting in Ashlyn's princess chair all night long. Just kidding! I just find this picture funny so I had to post it.

Ben put up a good fight and didn't succumb to sleep until around 11:00.

Colton almost made it till midnight too but not quite. Gavin's top bunk was just too inviting.

Whitney & Colton both had fun playing Cranium with the adults. Girls vs. Boys. Whitney was quite the assest to the team and earned us quite a few points. We will have to let her play more often! She passed out before New Years too. I just love sleeping pictures.


The Patty Cake House
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The Patty Cake House

What a fun night! LOVED - LOVED the food - as always. Thanks for letting us be a part of the fun! :O)

Melissa & Jimmy

How fun! Your house always had the best food, seriously! Happy Birthday Chris!

The Cook Clan

Sounds like so much fun and the food looks sooo good!! And I love the girlie bag =D What a sport Chris is =D I also loved the birthday quiz thing you did...very cute and creative!!

Benjamin and Jennie

heather I was wondering if I could pull your family photo off your blog for part of our primary bulletin?

Kattelman Krew

Yay, I finally have internet!
I'm so sad we missed out! I'm hoping that you guys did the spanking train that Chris made Gavin do on his birthday.....if not, we'll save it for when he comes to visit us :)

love you guys!