Friday, November 19, 2010

18 Months Old

Landon is 18 months old!!! The best part of reaching this milestone is that he can now go to nursery at church!!! This Sunday will be his first official day of nursery. Chris and I have been anxiously counting down the days for some time now. Every Sunday as I chase him through the halls at least several people ask me this question, "Isn't he old enough for nursery yet??!" The ward will probably throw a party of celebration for us. ;)
Landon's Favorite Things:
1. frozen blueberries
2. trains
3. flashlights
4. Handy Manny
5. hairbrushes
6. toothbrushes
7. Whitney's room
8. swings
9. baby dolls
10. dirt

He loves Ashlyn's doll stroller. He loves pushing it around and he loves sitting in it just as much. He is 29 pounds now and has already broken two doll strollers by sitting in them. Ashlyn often fondly reminisces on his newborn days when he was small and snuggly.

Wearing Daddy's beret.

He still loves making beautiful music with Whitney.

He is up to 9 teeth now. I can feel several that are getting close but haven't cut through yet.

He is loving Ashlyn's dolls lately.

Ashlyn has been really good about sharing her babies with him too!

This is his mad face.

Last Saturday I put this sweater on him and he HATED it! He kept trying to get it off and whining. Gavin also hated sweaters around this age and refused to wear them. But he loves dirt! If there is dirt to be found he will find it and make a mess of himself.

Whenever Chris or the kids leave the house he races for this window and watches them until they are out of sight saying bye-bye the whole time.


The Phipps

How cute!! Enjoy the nursery..and mom enjoy your classes too!


Heather--He looks like a little boy now. And nursery...small celebration at your house? Tim used to want another baby just to have a good reason to walk the halls during Sunday School. :-)

The Patty Cake House

I love this little boy!!!! I can't believe that he is 18 months.......... it goes by to fast!