Wednesday, July 7, 2010

4th of July 2010

We were disappointed in the Davis-Montham AFB 4th of July festivities. The fireworks were good but there was not much to do leading up to big event. They hardly had any food vendors. Since we had time to burn we decided to walk down to the shoppette and get Icees'. All day Ashlyn had been worried about getting to the 4th of July and she does not like to exert herself physically so she was a little put out with this plan. Once she had her Icee though she was much happier.

Ashlyn enjoying her Icee.

This shot cracks me up every time I see it!!! Looks like someone partied a little too hard and had too much fun! She fell asleep on the drive home and apparently could not make it up the stairs to her bed. Though she did manage to get one shoe off before passing out.

Landon getting some rough housing! Can you tell how much he hates it?

Watching the fireworks. Ashlyn was loving them! I expected Landon to be scared but he wasn't at all.

My favorite people.

Landon loves to put all kinds of things in Chris's mouth. Chris lucked out this time cause he kept feeding him cotton candy.

Gavin was on a bit of a sugar high after his giant Icee followed up with cotton candy.

Our All-American Sweetheart.


The Patty Cake House

Super cute pictures!!!! I still love the 4th of July quilt!!! Miss you guys!!!


It looks like you had a very fun time!

My Three Boys

Seriously would you guys hurry up and get here already. We may all spontaniousley(?) combust at any moment. The boys don't want to go out and play because Gavin is coming in 2 weeks. And all i here is when are the Weavers going to get here. So skip everything else pick Ster up from the Zion narrows and get here as fast as you can........

Brett and Diane

What a great 4th of July. LOVE LOVE LOVE the picture of Ashlynn on the stairs so dang hilarious!