Saturday, May 22, 2010

Landon's Birthday Celebration

We decided to celebrate Landon's 1st birthday with his 1st trip to the Zoo. I was surprised when he tried to touch this peacock. He's been a little timid and easily frightened lately. We got a membership so this was the first of what I am sure will be many trips to the Tucson Zoo!

Look at that face! The elephants were the first animals we saw and he seemed to find them distasteful. He would not look at them! Chris would face him toward them and he would immediately turn away.

Hard to believe that just one year ago he was in my tummy!

Here he is enjoying watching the monkeys.

Landon and his crew.

I guess this giraffe is tired of having her picture taken. As soon as I snapped this shot she stuck her tongue out at me! Or maybe she is just cheeky. =)

Then we headed home to open presents.

He loves the little bear/driver that came with this dump truck. He carries it around with him everywhere.

He also loves his train as does Ashlyn.

He also got this ball popper toy that he is scared to death of. Even if he is across the room and someone turns it on he starts screaming. Hopefully he will start to enjoy it as he gets older. After that we went out to eat at Red Robin's.

Then it was cake time. I loved his cake! I was upset because for some reason he is out of focus in all of the cake shots I took.

He liked the ice cream more than the cake. Just more proof that he is the Chris Clone.



What a fun first birthday. He is one cute boy. I am so excited to see your family this summer. By the way you look fantastic in the zoo pic with Landon.

The Patty Cake House

He's pretty stinking cute!!!!!


So adorable! I love the cake, its so cute. I love the picture of the 2 of you at the zoo.