Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Gila Valley Temple Open House

Gila Valley Temple

Yesterday we traveled to Gila Valley for the open house. It was about a three hour drive each way but worth every mile! I had been looking forward to taking the kids to this event for the past several months. (Once a temple is dedicated only endowed members are able to go inside.) It is not everyday that you get to get this kind of opportunity!

I couldn't help but feel a little pride in the organization skills and service that have gone into this event. One thing that can never be denied is that the Mormons are very well organized! I felt so grateful to the many members who put such time and love into this event. There were even volunteers who placed booties over your shoes (the purpose being to keep the carpets and floors clean) so you wouldn't have to bend over and do it yourself. Something you greatly appreciate when you are wearing a dress and the wind is blowing like mad. =) This was the first temple open house I had ever been to and I was very impressed! I am truly thankful for the blessing of temples. The peace that can be found within its walls is the most relaxing and comforting thing I have ever experienced.

A BIG added bonus was that my dear friend, Joni (pronounced like Johnny) lives in Gila Valley! I first met Joni back in 1998 while we were stationed in Hawaii. I was assigned to be her visiting teacher. We were pregnant with our first babies together. Her son Wyatt was born just a few weeks before Whitney. She was the first person to ever babysit Whitney. And Whitney's third or fourth favorite person in the world for her first 1 1/2 years of life. It had been about 4 years since I had last seen her so this visit was long overdue.

Joni is a kindred spirit. I have a fantasy where I like to think about populating a town with all of my favorite people. Joni would definitely be one of those people!

Here are the kids in their Easter outfits, that I have still not gotten around to taking photos of them in. It was not an ideal time for taking photos. The sun was too bright and the wind was blowing hard. Gavin's expression makes me laugh because he is trying so hard to keep his eyes open.

Ashlyn kept trying to get into roped off areas and touched everything she could get her hands on. She entertained our group with her loud exclamations of delight. She was always the first one into a new area and was not shy about pushing her way to the front.

While we were in the temple Landon was uncharacteristically quiet and still. He just kept looking around at everything with big eyes.


The Patty Cake House

That is so great!!! We were able to take the kids through the Rexburg Temple, it was an amazing experience. The kids are growing up so much.... :(

The Fisher's

What a neat experience to be able to take your kids to! I can't wait to do the same someday - hopefully the Atlanta temple will be ready for rededication before we head outta here and we can do the same :)


My own opinion is that Landon recognized the strong spirit in the temple because it wasn't long ago that he was in heaven. And temples must feel like heaven on earth.
We went to the Vernal temple open house, and I still remember how beautiful it was. We took Tony (who was only 2) to the dedication. You know how noisy Tony is. He sit still almost the whole time. We had seats outdoors on the lawn and could actually see the speakers. Shortly before it was over he started getting restless. We looked up and there was a hot air balloon over our heads. That kept him quiet for the last few minutes.
I'm glad you got the chance to go and take the kids.

The Cook Clan

What a special and memorable experience!!


That is wonderful...what an experience. Hope I get the invite to populate "Heather Town"!!


Shannon you have been at the top of the list for years now!