Baseball. America's favorite pastime? For me, not so much. But I am pleased to say that baseball is growing on me a little. This is a good thing since Gavin is in love with the game. Gavin started baseball season in late March and ended in early June. Here's my list of memorable moments and highlights from the season.
-Gavin's relief to have the manly team color of black. Last year's team color was purple and it was a bitter pill for him to swallow.
- Gavin's games served the dual purpose of providing Ashlyn with some much needed outdoor time and social interaction with other children. I think we might have a natural born cheerleader on our hands. She loved going to his games and cheering him on.
-The sweet sound of the bat connecting with the ball.
- The look on Gavin's face, his arms raised in triumph and his team mates excitement when he hit the first home run of the season. Priceless.
-The crusty old Grandpa who came to every game and would say things to the players like, "Why dontcha hit the ball as hard as you hit the plate!" or "Does that kid of yours ever not have his head in the clouds?" Keep in mind these were 4-8 year old boys. Is it wrong that I found these comments funny?
-When Gavin nailed the pitching machine while batting. The coach did the funniest ninja move trying to avoid the ball.
-Watching all the players run the bases and slide into home plate after the game was over. There was no doubt that each one was imagining themselves scoring a winning home run.
-Landon learning to clap as a result of Gavin's games.
-When I said to Gavin, "Great job in the outfield!" Chris and Gavin both looked at me like I was hopeless and simultaneously said, I/He was in the infield.
-Coach Wilson saving me and my camera from Gavin's foul ball. In my efforts to get a shot of Gavin batting, I decided to stand right outside the dugout on the field. Gavin's coach was standing about two feet closer to the plate than I. He reached out and caught the ball which was traveling in a straight line for my face/camera. His coach was so pleased with himself that I thought he might burst with pride.