Friday, March 5, 2010

Fishy the Betta Fish

Yesterday I surprised Ashlyn with a trip to the pet store to pick out her very own Betta fish. I learned from past experience that they are the hardiest and cleanest fish to care for. She chose a female because they are tiny, much smaller than the males. Though the males are much prettier and more brightly colored. I pointed this out but she was not impressed. When I first asked her what she wanted to name her new fish she said Kiki. I was thrilled with her originality only to have her quickly change her mind in favor of Fishy. All my kids have named their first fish Fishy.

Ashlyn already loves her! Gavin, Whitney and Chris were all immediately escorted upstairs upon arriving home to meet her.

Ashlyn loves chatting with Fishy about everything and anything. In this shot she is telling her what a nice baby Landon is and how much she will like him. =) She insisted we put that little plant on top of the tank.

Aladdin and Oddball wasted no time in checking out the new arrival. I would have much preferred a cute little glass bowl for Fishy's new home but thought we'd be best off with a completely enclosed home. Ashlyn gave them both a stern talking to on how they are to leave Fishy alone. =)



love it. I think the enclosed home was a good idea ;) we moms are so intuitive sometimes, aren't we?


Have fun with Fishy!

This Idaho Girl

Those cats simply cannot be trusted. We had many pet fish during the childhood years and all of them took that sweet trip down the toilet. Hope yours fares better.


that's entirely too cute. and i kind of love the "fishy" name tradition. that's hilarious. :)