Thursday, March 25, 2010

Landon at 10 Months

Here he is on the 18th showing some pride in his partial Irish heritage. More and more I am amazed at how much Landon is like Chris. Looks and personality. I like to call him the Chris Clone. These past two months he has had three ear infections back to back. He does not do illness well much like his father. One night he woke up shrieking like he was being stabbed with hot knives. I suspected an ear infection and gave him Motrin. Several hours later Chris gave him a blessing and he finally settled down. I was expecting to take him to the doctor and find out both ears were badly infected. It was just his right ear and it wasn't really that bad of an infection. Chris once worked with a man who called him the Happy/Angry Man. Chris only has two emotions, happy and angry. Landon seems to be the same. He started experiencing separation anxiety and stranger anxiety this past month. We are still waiting for a first tooth to appear.

Messy eater.

We call this the fish hook. A variation on thumb sucking maybe? Whitney did this with her thumb when she was a baby too.

Pure Joy!


This Idaho Girl

The very first thing I thought when I saw the first picture is that Landon looks like Chris. I can't believe how much he's changed in the last few months.