Sunday, November 8, 2009

Introducing Oddball...

July 24, 2009
2009 has been quite the year for boys at our house! Oddball makes #3 to be exact. We brought the newest addition home this past Saturday and he is settling in nicely. I feel kinda bad naming any living creature Oddball but it seems to have stuck! Chris and the kids would make trips to go visit Aladdin while he was still too young to come home. While they were visiting they got to know Kathy (the ragdoll breeder). Chris thought Oddball was really cute and had asked about him. Kathy said she was glad someone thought so because he does not fall into any of the color patterns ( Aladdin is a Blue Colorpoint). Almost all of the people on her waiting list have very specific requests as to the sex and color of the ragdoll they want. When she said that, Whitney said, "he's a cute little oddball!" "Gavin said that's what I would call him if he were mine." Plus he had some health problems and she did not want to place him in a home until she knew he was completely healthy. She called Chris about a week ago and said she would like to give us Oddball as a gift because she was so impressed with "our wonderful family" and as a thank you for our military service. She said, "Ever since your little boy called him Oddball it has just stuck." Bless her heart! I think she could see that the math wasn't adding up either, 1 cat to 3 kids just isn't a good ratio. Wit and Gavin were both really excited for Aladdin to have "a partner in crime".
I love how he looks like he is wearing a mask. I suggested Zorro or Bandit but the kids insisted on Oddball.

Sleeping with Gavin his first night at home.

Getting some loves from Ashlyn.