Thursday, November 5, 2009

Georgia Aquarium & The Varsity

This past Monday we headed up to Atlanta. Chris is determined to get our two year food storage in order and wanted to go pick up some food from the storehouse. Since we aren't close to our weight limit for our move he figured out that it will pay for itself plus net us a profit! We decided that as long as he was going I would take the kids to the aquarium. We went once almost 3 years ago and it was great! It is the largest aquarium in the world and even has whale sharks and beluga whales. I was pretty disappointed because the beluga whales are off exhibit until the new year due to renovations. But still totally worth it. Chris spent most of the day at the storehouse helping some elderly brothers can and load their food. When he came to pick us up he was on a service high! He said, "I don't know how they would've done all that without me to help."
Aren't these two the cutest fish you've ever seen?

I didn't take as many photos as I normally do since I was trying to herd all 4 kids by myself. Even though it was a Monday it was still pretty crowded so I would hate to see it on a weekend.

This was the first exhibit we saw. I decided I would let the kids set the pace for the day. I think we stayed at this one for a good 25 minutes just watching all the sea life before Gavin asked to move on.

Even Landon was mesmerized by the giant fish tank.

Notice Ashlyn's pink My Little Pony she got in a Happy Meal is featured in every shot she is in! She even made me take pictures of the pony all by itself.
Gavin petting a bonnet head shark. I think Gavin's favorite part was the touching the bonnet head sharks and sting rays at this touching pool.

After that we were ready to eat! Chris saw this restaurant on the Travel channel's show of the 10 best hot dog joints in America. He decided that he must take me there since I love chili cheese dogs. The Varsity has been in downtown Atlanta for 80+ years. It was a fun experience!

I love this goofy shot! Especially Ashlyn's pose. Chris was a party pooper and refused to wear a hat. I think he was just worried it would look absurd on his giant head.

Chris basically inhaled his food after his day of work.

Gavin's meal was consumed with lots of ketchup. This kid loves ketchup!

2 thumbs up from the Weaver Family!!! We all cleaned our plates. Though Ashlyn had a little help from Dad.



What a ball! My cousins live there in Atlanta. That truly is the best hotdog place to eat.


How fun! My cousins live there in Atlanta. Varsity is the best place to have a hotdog. Your little baby is getting so big. He is so cute.


Chris is the only person I know who can hold a baby AND eat a chili dog at the the same time! LOL! Heidi and I have taken Carlos and Rocky to several aquariums in California and we all love them! Fun for everyone!


Sounds like so much fun. Kudos to Chris for being such a helpful guy!