Saturday, March 28, 2009

Toranado Warnings & Mud

The hill Sadie drug Gavin down.

Gavin didn't want me to take this photo. Can you tell?

There is nothing like emergency sirens blaring away at 6:00 am to start the day off right! I am not a morning person and I need my sleep, lots of sleep. Saturdays are pretty much my only day to sleep in and I look forward to them immensely. I wasn't too thrilled to find myself crammed in the downstairs half bath with all three kids, reading poems from Shel Silverstein's "Where the Sidewalk Ends". Where was Chris? Oh, he was outside hoping to see a tornado while fighting the urge to hop in the car and try to track one down. His need to protect his family was a little stronger though and he resisted the temptation. Thankfully the storm passed us by and we were eventually able to leave the bathroom.

The day might have started out with wicked weather but ended up in blue skies and sunshine. The kids and I took Sadie for a walk since she had been housebound for the last couple days due to the torrential rains. I'm not sure what came over Sadie because she is usually very mellow and scared of everyone and everything. She literally dragged Gavin (knocking him down onto his tummy) down a muddy hill in order to confront someones berserk dog. Poor Gavin had his hand looped through the leash. Whitney had to rescue him since I was waddling along behind them with Ashlyn.


The Patty Cake House

Oh my gosh!!!!! Poor Gavin - I love his face - he is definately not a happy guy!!!!

I was a little ticked at my dad and Dave - they would not stay crammed in the bathroom with the rest of us 6 girls (yes a little crowded) during the 6 am tornado. They wanted to track down the tornado as well. Meanwhile I have Colton bawling because he thinks they are going to die. It was GREAT!!!!!

The Cook Clan

Poor Gavin...he looks miserable. What a morning!! I don't miss the tornado scares AT ALL!! I'll take a blizzard any day :) Glad everyone is safe!!

The Phipps

It was a scarey morning! And I too love Gavin's face in the picture:)


What a morning! I hate tornado warnings. I really want to get a shelter put in because they freak me out. Poor Gavin does not look happy at all.