Tuesday, November 4, 2008

The Eternal Optimist

The other day Whitney came home from school very excited. She said, "Mom, I've got something really exciting to show you!!!" And then she handed me this piece of paper. In case you can't read the writing it says that Whitney Weaver is a finalist for A Family Vacation to Orlando, Florida Drawing. Then the fine print says: The vacation will be 4 nights and 5 days in Orlando, Florida. It will include paid travel, hotel accommodations and theme park passes for the winner and immediate family. Total retail price is $5,000. The SchoolMall will conduct the drawing on May 15th. The winner will be notified by Mr. Earl, The Prize Man.

Now in Whitney's mind it is not a matter of if but when we win this fabulous vacation. She has spent much time speculating on which theme parks we will receive passes to and what our hotel will be like. This totally comes from Chris. He always thinks he is going to win things while I on the other hand never even entertain the idea that I could possibly win something. Too much of a realist I guess. Alright, more like too much of a the glass is half empty/pessimist. I thought to myself should I tell her the chances of us winning are very slim or should I just let her go on thinking she is going to win and then be super disappointed? Then I thought, let her believe good things are going to happen. I hear the power of positive thinking is highly underestimated. And who knows, we just might be hearing from Mr. Earl, The Prize Man on May 15th.


The Patty Cake House

I hope you win!!!! That would be so fun!!! Way To Go Whitney!!

Kattelman Krew

Cool, I never got one of those, I guess you should ask if everyone in the class got one too, cause if they didn''s pretty special;)

I'm thinking of making one of those for a family trip to Utah whenever you guys want to come and visit....that way EVERYONE wins!!!

The Cook Clan

Man, I wouldn't be able to wait...I'd want to know NOW =) I'll keep my fingers crossed...hope ya'll win!!!

The Phipps

I sure hope that she wins! I think you're right about thinking postive about things! Good luck!

Katie Webb

Good luck! Wouldn't that just be great if you did win?! I hope you do! I'll keep my fingers crossed for ya!


that is awesome! you guys will totally win it! i can't wait to see the post announcing the big win:)

Brett and Diane

Wow I hope you guys win!


Well, Chris and Whitney didn't get that trait from me. Sometimes I feel like my glass is only half full cuz someone peed in it.


ooooh! fun. i will keep my fingers crossed for you all! :)