Wednesday, November 5, 2008


It has come to my attention that my knocked up post has led some people to believe this pregnancy was a surprise. I thought I should clear things up. =) This pregnancy was not a surprise in the typical sense. Just a very sudden and unexpected decision. I literally woke up in the middle of the night with this conviction that we were supposed to have another baby. I even told Chris though I didn't expect him to hear me because he sleeps the sleep of the dead. The next morning first thing he said was, did you wake me up in the middle of the night and tell me you wanted another baby? I said, yes. He immediately jumped on the band wagon. This is not how it usually goes in our house. I have this tendency to over think and over analyze things to death. We basically have to be pushed into having a baby. We tried to blow it off with Whitney for awhile and then finally caved. With Gavin I was a little more receptive but Chris had to be brow beaten into acceptance. And Ashlyn! I literally spent months debating and agonizing over whether or not to have another. A month before Chris shipped off for Iraq for the second time I finally made up my mind to try. Chris said he could literally see people doing the math when he'd tell them his wife was pregnant. Some brave souls even asked him if he was sure the baby was his. I love our kids and I am so glad we have them! They have brought me more joy and taught me more than anything else ever could or will. It is just a huge decision/responsibility to bring a child into this world. You'd think it would get easier after three kids but it hasn't. After all, I am the girl who didn't get her drivers license until she was 18 because I was so worried about possibly having an accident and hurting someone. I think it can be safely said, that I have an overly developed sense of worry and caution.


Kattelman Krew

Totally clear :)

Chris beaten huh? that would be interesting...

I'm so excited for you!

P.S. there's no question now about who are the parents of Whit, Gavin and Ashlyn they all totally resemble you guys...

~The Dippold's

I love your new background! So cute! Congrats on the news!


We are so excited for you guys!! YOu are a great family.


Congratulations! I thought I was all caught up on your blog, but apparently there was a very important blog beneath the Halloween pictures I had missed! We're so happy for you. May is the ideal perfect time of year to have a baby...go through the winter pregnant and have the baby before it gets hot. :-)