Monday, June 21, 2010

Monday Monday

Make no mistake, today is Monday alright. The morning started off at 6:30 a.m. with a wake up call from Chris so we could go shopping at the commissary. Naturally this was the first time in weeks that Landon has slept past 6 a.m. I actually had to wake him up at 7:30 so we could leave. Who knows how long he would have slept though. This killed me!

Halfway there Landon started spraying vomit all over himself and his car seat. We could not go home because Chris had an appointment with the chiropractor. After cleaning him up as best as I could in the restroom, I sat down to wait for Chris in the lobby. I then enjoyed being hit on by some creepy guy with some serious Mommy issues. Let's just say he was very envious of Landon.

Upon arriving home we discovered our air conditioner was not working. I am now sweaty and roasting hot!!! It is 104 degrees today and it is now 85 degrees inside my house. The repair man will be here sometime before 6 p.m. It is now 2:30 p.m. We cannot leave because we must be here when/if repairman ever shows up! And Ashlyn has started taking the Lord's name in vain. (I am guessing TV is to blame.) Telling her that we do not say that just egged her on into saying it some more. Chris threatening to wash her mouth out with soap has cured for the moment.



Oh My!! I hope the rest of your week is better. It can only go up from here, right?!?