Sunday, August 28, 2011

Island Park

For our last full day we took it easy hung out around the cabin and went for a walk.  Landon feeding the ducks and a muskrat.

I love this one of Marcus and Gavin.  The boys were excited about this toad they found.

This shot was actually taken on our drive home.  Those are the Grand Teton Mountains in the background.
Gorgeous!!!  We also added Wyoming to our list of states we have visited.  Landon is holding his stuffed buffalo Chris got him.  Chris is a sucker for stuffed animals and always wants to buy them for the kids.

Marcus hitching a ride on the Chris Express.

Picking wildflowers.

Marcus came with Ashlyn & I to pick flowers.  Marcus loves having his picture taken and posed himself for this one.  I asked him what he was going to do with the flowers he picked and he said he was going to give them to Whitney. :)  I think he had a little crush on Whitney.  He wanted to sit by her at the movies and kept asking her to jump on the trampoline with him among other things.

Ashlyn & Landon spent a long time rolling around & giggling in this zipped up sleeping bag...something to tease them with someday.

Boys and sticks. . . they go together like PB&J.

While we were there Landon made the mistake of standing at the end of the boys makeshift catapult when a large rock was dropped at the other end...took a 2x4 to the underside of his chin.  I was worried his split lip would bust open again but thankfully it did not. Bit this tongue and scraped up his chin.  He also took a tumble down the stairs of the cabin and developed an infection in a toe.  We had to make another trip to the doctor to have his stitches removed from his lip and get an antibiotic for his toe.  I took him and it was not fun taking those stitches out...Mom cried too.

Once we got back to Garland, Landon had what we think was a spider bite on his finger and required yet another trip to the ER.  He was put on a stronger antibiotic.  Once we made it to Mesquite he started to have an allergic reaction to the antibiotic and broke out in hives.  Poor little guy endured lots of health problems during our travels. 


The Phipps

I loved looking at all the fun photos! Great family fun!!

Katie Webb

I love Island Park. That's where we spent our honey moon :) Whitney is really getting so beautiful and I can't believe how big Ashlyn is. I still picture her as one of my little nursery kids!


Poor Landon! I hope his luck changes.