Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Landon 15 3/4 Months Old

Landon is closing in on the 16 month mark. He is one busy, strong willed and active little guy!!! These are all great traits in adulthood but a little trying in the here and now for Mom. He now has a whopping 4 teeth! I was trying to get a photo of his teeth. That is his blurry finger on my camera lens. It is pretty hard to get a close up picture of this one for two reasons:
1.) He cannot hold still.
2.) He is wild to get his hands of my camera!!! He has repeatedly tried to rip in away from me.
This shot was the best I could do. You can see the two newest top teeth. That is neglected little Ashlyn in the background trying to get into the shot.

He has started climbing everything. We are worried about brain damage with all the knocks to the noggin he has accumulated. There is a love seat on the other side of this half wall and he his standing on the back. He is just helping himself to a bottle. I am embarrassed to admit that he still takes a bottle. We are down to 2 sometimes 3 a day. We have had a hard time weaning him. He reaches a point where he falls apart and nothing else will do but that he have a bottle. I rationalize to myself that since he only has 4 teeth and is a little on the thin side that he needs those calories. His current favorite food is red grapes. Followed by peaches and watermelon.

He has learned that chairs are his best friends and will help him into all kinds of trouble. We cannot keep him off the table! I tried placing the chairs on the table but then he just tries to pull the chairs off. He is also very mischievous. Telling him no just eggs him on and makes him laugh uncontrollably. He thinks it is great game for us to play. He climbs up I take him off. On and on the game goes! He is always laughing. Sometimes I cannot figure out what is amusing him. He finds the vast majority of things funny though. Awhile back we were at the dollar store and he snagged himself a plastic T-Rex dinosaur. He would look at it and start cracking up, he was laughing so hard he was crying. I bought it for him and he still sometimes picks it up and just laughs and laughs. (Again Ashlyn had to get in on the photo op.)

Landon poos in blue! He just begged for Huggies new designer diapers. You might be wondering why he is never dressed or only partially dressed? Getting him dressed along with diaper changes are full on wrestling matches. This little boy is STRONG!!! Sometimes it takes all of my strength to contain him and I am far from a delicate flower.

For some reason I just love him in nothing but these argyle socks and dress shirt.

He loves his Fisher Price Farm. It is his favorite toy along with small cars and balls. He will spend long periods of time putting the animals in and out. (Side note: right now he is beating Ashlyn with a cat toy and laughing hysterically.) Reminds me of Wit. She loved her farm too.


The Patty Cake House

WOW..... I can't believe how quickly time flies. He is definitely a cutie!


In that picture with the orange shirt, he looks just like Chris at that age.


He is so adorable! I can't believe how quickly he is growing up. Him and Whit (and Chris) all look like little clones of each other. So cute!


Aiden is the same way with diaper changes... I don't get it, what does he think I'm going to do to him. I get kicked EVERYTIME! We've got a little basket of stuff now by the canging table with stuff to entertain him. Each item only works for like 30 seconds so I've learned to move quickly.... I love the pics up top!! Your kids look like a Childrens Place spread in a mag. So CUTE!!

This Idaho Girl

When did he get so big? I bet you're counting down the weeks until he can go to nursery.