The prebirthday celebration continued at SeaWorld! Here is Ashlyn with her free pass. Thanks for saluting the heroes (and their families too) SeaWorld! She was one excited little girl!
We had to have a photo of the SeaWorld themed bug.
Ashlyn feeding the dolphins. Her favorite part of the day!
Ashlyn & her Mama Mia. Ashlyn says, Mama Mia is what you call your Mama when she starts to get old. Then she told me, "but when you wear your make up and your hair down you don't look so old."
Pleeeease Moooommmm? Can I keep him? I just barely managed to say no to that irresistible face.
Ashlyn wanted a stuffed Shamu, Shamu wallet and Shamu headband. Managed to say no to this face too.
First row, front and center for the soak zone at the Shamu show!
And as you can see they were thoroughly soaked.
Gavin & his spider monkey. Love my boys!
Ashlyn's and her new polar bear friend. Thanks Daddy!
Landon impatiently waited for his turn to visit with Zoe and the Count.